Like no one else

Your most important contribution to the world. Is to be like no one else.

Be part of creating the world you want to live in.

1 hour Every day

Vintage clock watch hand

Spend 1 hour every day.

Whether it is directly related to what you are doing now or what you want to do next.

Or just explore and be inspired.

The end of failing

Boy playing with building blocks

We need to move away from the negative residuals that comes from a culture of failing.

It is much healthier to experiment and learn, to play and try new things, testing ideas, prototyping.

The outcomes are better – the spirit, language, residual and culture much more positive.


multiple hats

Multitasking is viewed as everything from a requirement to a wasteful habit.

I believe it is a direct way to do less with more.

We must move away from doing or focusing on multiple activities at the time. And instead focus on one, for as long as we have energy and can add value to it.

One thing at the time, focused and dedicated.


bicycle wheel hub

Your engines for creating the life you want to live.

Good habits will carry us forward even on bad days. The best habits – our cores, helps us create the world we want to live in.

Cores and habits combined, become equally the tracks that steadies us, and the engine that drives us forward.

Task lists

woman jamming to music

The main purpose of a ToDo list is to… Do.

Just as important. Celebrate your achievements. Remember all that you have achieved today

Rather than focus on the few things you didn’t have energy for.