1 hour Every day
Spend 1 hour every day.
Whether it is directly related to what you are doing now or what you want to do next.
Or just explore and be inspired.
Encouraging collaboration with culture as our guide
Spend 1 hour every day.
Whether it is directly related to what you are doing now or what you want to do next.
Or just explore and be inspired.
Spend more time with people unlike yourself
Speak your mind – because you want to learn from others
Never stop asking questions
Help others achieve the same freedoms you have – if they want them
We have an opportunity to decide, ahead of time – what the next thousand(s) years should revolve and evolve around.
What is the overarching idea that will guide us in how we approach life, love, business, our legacy, everything in-between and beyond.
I propose we decide to enter the Age of Inclusiveness.