1 hour Every day

Vintage clock watch hand

Spend 1 hour every day.

Whether it is directly related to what you are doing now or what you want to do next.

Or just explore and be inspired.

5 simple habits

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 simple habits

Spend more time with people unlike yourself

Speak your mind – because you want to learn from others

Never stop asking questions

Help others achieve the same freedoms you have – if they want them


The Age of Inclusiveness

Planet earth seen from space. Sunrise over South East Asia

We have an opportunity to decide, ahead of time – what the next thousand(s) years should revolve and evolve around.

What is the overarching idea that will guide us in how we approach life, love, business, our legacy, everything in-between and beyond.

I propose we decide to enter the Age of Inclusiveness.