Conversation, discussion, argument.
Conversations have brought us together and connected us for centuries.
Every one of them, an opportunity to meet in the beautiful space between us.
Encouraging collaboration with culture as our guide
Living is a journey through time and culture. We bring our own unique mix of traditions, preferences, norms, quirks and behaviour.
Along the myriad paths we travel, we engage with people and their cultures. We pick up and embody some of who they are – and hopefully inspire them with the best of who we are. It is how we revolve and evolve around each other.
Our culture guides how we approach creating and shaping our own lives. How we see and think about ourselves and each other.
Conversations have brought us together and connected us for centuries.
Every one of them, an opportunity to meet in the beautiful space between us.
Spend 1 hour every day.
Whether it is directly related to what you are doing now or what you want to do next.
Or just explore and be inspired.
Everything and everybody looks better, brighter – more beautiful on a sunny day.
When dark. A bit of light will make every room and space look warm and welcoming. Especially when the corners are lit up.
Be that indirect light to others. Those in the shadow, stuck or hiding in dark corners.
When you’re in the sun – let it reflect on others.
What you have to give to this world, to yourself, your friends and family, your community, society, and to your work… is You – only You.
Dream big, it’s ok to want more from life. But being able to pay rent, have food on the table and pay for school – is a big enough achievement.
The pen is a mighty tool, it should be all we need – not bullets, not bullying.
Meet others in the beautiful space between us – where we can learn from each other, and diversity can thrive every day.
We some times forget that the mere existence of life is amazing. That overwhelmingly we do good things for each other, and good things happen every day.
Through all of it, everything we go through together – and alone. There’s heart, we are occupied with maintaining life – and creating new life.
The meaning of life is – life.
Spend more time with people unlike yourself
Speak your mind – because you want to learn from others
Never stop asking questions
Help others achieve the same freedoms you have – if they want them
We have an opportunity to decide, ahead of time – what the next thousand(s) years should revolve and evolve around.
What is the overarching idea that will guide us in how we approach life, love, business, our legacy, everything in-between and beyond.
I propose we decide to enter the Age of Inclusiveness.